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Welcome Product Testers

Thank you for your interest in testing our latest products! As a tester, you'll get early access to new designs and help shape future releases with your feedback. The process is simple and the new products can be found below:


Install Product

Install the custom-fit product to add style to your Subaru. Be sure to follow the install guide included with your order and note any pros and cons of the process. It is also helpful to mention what install tools were used.


Photograph It

Snap various photos of the new product on your vehicle. Be sure to include a high-quality, close-up, straight-on shot—this one is required. Feel free to get creative with other angles and shots! Your personal information will be removed by us.


Leave Feedback

Share your photos and thoughts on the design, fit, and install with us. The more detail the better. Please send feedback within 2 weeks of receiving and installing, using the link below.

Send Feedback
By particpating in the Product Tester Program, you are agreeing to the terms and conditions.

Ready to Test a Product?

These are the current products available for product testing. Be sure to review the model/trim/year prior to purchasing. Product discounts are applied automatically.